Valued Heritage Tour (Yangon, Bagan, Mandalay, Sittwe, Mrauk U)

Created with Sketch. Mrauk-U, Myanmar (Burma)
Very Good
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Culture & Heritage

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9 Days / 8 Nights

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Group Size



Discover the ancient temples of Mrauk U in Rakhine state & Bagan in Mandalay State.


  • Arrive at Yangon, welcome by our representative and transfer to hotel. After fresh up and visit National museum in Yangon is an interesting place where Myanmar’s ancient heritage and culture are on display. Continue to Bogyokemarket, a famous shopping center to enjoy display of Myanmar superlative handicraft. After that, visit historic Strand hotel and other colonial styled red-bricked buildings and proceed to Sule Pagoda.
  • This 48 meter high golden dome was used by the British as the nucleus of their grid pattern for the city when it was rebuilt int he 1880s. In the evening, Shwedagon Pagoda, which is claimed to be the world richest golden stupa of two thousand five hundred years old. The golden dome rises 98 meters above its base and is covered with 60 tons of pure gold. Enjoy fantastic sunset view from the hilltop. Overnight in Yangon.


Day 1 - Arrival Yangon

Arrive at Yangon, welcome by our representative and transfer to hotel. After fresh up and visit National museum in Yangon is an interesting place where Myanmar’s ancient heritage and culture are on display. Continue to Bogyokemarket, a famous shopping center to enjoy display of Myanmar superlative handicraft. After that, visit historic Strand hotel and other colonial styled red-bricked buildings and proceed to Sule Pagoda: This 48 meter high golden dome was used by the British as the nucleus of their grid pattern for the city when it was rebuilt int he 1880s. In the evening, Shwedagon Pagoda, which is claimed to be the world richest golden stupa of two thousand five hundred years old. The golden dome rises 98 meters above its base and is covered with 60 tons of pure gold. Enjoy fantastic sunset view from the hilltop. Overnight in Yangon.

Day 2 - Yangon – Bagan

Breakfast at hotel transfer to airport bound to Bagan, Upon arrival Bagan and transfer to hotel. After a brief fresh up commence archaeological tour. Tour highlight: Thabyinnyu, built by King Alaungsithu in the middle of the 12th century, this white stucco building overtops all other monuments as the highest pagoda on the Bagan plain. Ananda temple, built in AD 1105 by King Kyanzittha, the name of this most majestic of temples means endless wisdom and symbolizes the wisdom the Buddha. Continue to Gubyaukkyi, an early period Pyu style temple with Hindu influence old mural paintings, Manuha temple where captive king Manuha was imprisonment. After that, Shwezigon pagoda commenced by Anawrahta but completed in 1811 by King Kyansittha, it is a prototype for later Myanmar pagodas. It is Bagan’s biggest and one of the most important pagoda. Shwesandaw temple has become a popular sunset-viewing spot. Overnight in Bagan.

Day 3 - Bagan – Popa

Breakfast at hotel and depart for Mt. Popa (45 km, approx 1½ hour), the core of an extinct volcano considered the abode of most powerful nats (spirit) and important nat worship center as well as one of the major pilgrimage destinations for local. Mt. Popa an extinct volcano, the highest landmark in the central dry zone, rises 1518 meter (4981 feet) above sea. . Established as National Parks, the Popa Mountain Park is now verdant and green with a rich flora especially of medicinal plants. It is the center for Nat worship in the shrine of the Mahagiri Nats. For the energetic, time to climb the 777 steps to the shrine at the top of the hill. Less energetic may blend you with local pilgrimage with their festivities at the bottom. Return back to Bagan, on your return stop over at local farms to observe local daily life activities such as toddy palm juice extracting, sweet ball making process and hand drill edible oil production etc. In the late afternoon explore part of ruins by local horse drawn cart. Overnight in Bagan.

Day 4 - Bagan – Mandalay

Breakfast at hotel and transfer to airport for your bond flight to Mandalay, Upon arrival Mandalay and transfer to hotel. After fresh up proceed to Mandalay (founded 1857 by king Mindon) is the last kingdom as well as the center of the Myanmar cultural, tradition, arts and crafts has long been known as a centre of skilled craftsmanship and in former times supplied the royal courts. Visit traditional handicraft making process such as wood carving, tapestry weaving, gold leaf hammering etc. Continue visit foot of Mandalay hill to observe “the largest book” at Kuthodaw Pagoda where entire Buddhist canon (Tripitaka) has been recorded on stone tablets totaling 729 in number. Atumashi Kyaung (meaning the Incomparable Monastery) is also one of the worth-seeing places, built by King Mindon in 1878. Continue to Mandalay Hill, the hill has for long been a holy mount and legend has it that the Buddha on His visit had made a prophecy that a great city would be founded at its foot and command a magnificent view of the city and surrounding countryside. Overnight in Mandalay.

Day 5 - Mandalay – Mingun

Breakfast at hotel and proceed to Kyawzun jetty, observe water buffaloes working with Myanmar superlative teak wood and busy riverside activity. Board on privately chartered boat for Mingun across Ayeyarwady River. Visit the home for the poor aged at Mingun. Observe Mingun bell, the world’s largest ringing bell weighing 90 tons. Other tour highlights are Settawya Pagoda with a marble foot print of Buddha and Pahtodawgyi, an enormous pile of bricks is all that remains of King Bodawpaya’s grandiose scheme Mingun Village and Hshibyume Pagoda, most attractive pagoda built in 19 century by King Bodawpaya’s grandson in memory of one of his wives. Return to Mandalay and transfer to hotel. Overnight in Mandalay.

Day 6 - Mandalay – Yangon – Sittwe – Mrauk U

Breakfast at hotel and transfer to airport for your bond flight to Sittwe via Yangon, Upon arrival Sittwe airport and transfer to Jetty for Local private boat transfer to Mrauk U. Upon arrival Mrauk U jetty and transfer to hotel. Overnight in Mrauk U.

Day 7Mrauk U Sightseesing

Day 7 - Mrauk U Sightseesing

Breakfast at hotel and visit Mrauk U archaeological zone, Tour Highlights: Shai Thaung pagoda, Andawthein temple, Dukkanthein temple, Lay Myet Hnar pagoda, Laungbanpyauk pagoda, Annawmar Image and Pitakettiek library. Afternoon visit archeological Museum, Palace site, Sakya Manaung pagoda Koethaung temple, Ratana Man Aung pagoda, Bandoola Monastery, Latsaykan lake and Zina Man Aung pagoda etc. Overnight in Mrauk U.

Day 8 - Mrauk U – Sittwe – Yangon

Breakfast at hotel and early morning transfer to jetty and boat to Sittwe,. Upon arrival Sittwe, transfer to the airport for your bond flight to Yangon. Upon arrival Yangon airport and transfer to hotel. After fresh up, visit to Karaweik hall known as a royal barge on the royal lake for the fantastic photo view. In the evening stroll around hustle and bustle China town. Overnight in Yangon.

Day 9 - Departure

Breakfast at hotel and transfer to international airport for your departure flight.

Inclusions / Exclusions

  • Air fares
  • 3 Nights Hotel Accomodation
  • Tour Guide
  • Entrance Fees
  • All transportation in destination location
  • Guide Service Fee
  • Driver Service Fee
  • Any Private Expenses
  • Room Service Fees

Tour's Location

Created with Sketch. Mrauk-U, Myanmar (Burma)


Very Good
Based on 1 review
Very Good
Myanmar Travel Guides

Zin Me


Western Myanmar

Mrauk U will reward you with visions of a colourful and an extraordinary hinterland.
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from $600.00

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