Ocean Blue

Ngwe Saung Beach is one of the most beautiful and longest prestine beaches in South East Asia, situated at the Bay of Bengal which stretches from Myanmar all the way to India. The name Ngwe Saung is pronounced (Way Saung) and means silver beach in Burmese and is an accurate description of the surroundings. The beach is 15km long with it's soft silver sand beach and crystal clear turquoise water it invites for a swim or simply relaxing on the beach in the breeze from the Indian ocean, under the coconut palm trees. It is located 48km from Pathein which...

 (+ 95 1) 223671, (+ 95 9) 5012221 /  oceanblue.ngwesaung@gmail.com /  www.oceanbluengwesaung.com
/  Hotel /  Ngwe Saung

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